FIELD: machine building.
SUBSTANCE: invention can be used in cylinders. Mechanical cylinder system comprises cylinder (104) including inner chamber (208) occupying structure (202) and crankshaft piston (204). Inner chamber (208) of cylinder is changed by occupying structure (202) having compression chamber. Occupying structure (202) of the cylinder is made in the form of a cylindrical structure with a cavity as a floating piston. Occupying structure (202) provides a surface for interaction with compression chamber (704). Occupying structure (202) in its cavity contains primary combustion chamber (804) during early stage of working stroke. Occupying structure (202) has an edge that separates the primary and secondary combustion chambers. Combustion pressure applied to crankshaft piston (204) is applied to the smaller surface area of crankshaft piston (204) during the early part of the expansion stroke. Combustion pressure is applied to a larger surface area of piston (204) of the crankshaft during the later part of the expansion stroke. Combustion pressure applied to occupying structure (202) applies a resultant force to occupying structure (202) in the direction of piston (204) of the crankshaft during the early part of the expansion stroke and in the opposite direction during the later part of the expansion stroke. Surfaces of occupying structure (202) and piston (204) of crankshaft are made so that during expansion stroke there is disengagement between occupying structure (202) and piston (204) of crankshaft. Movement of occupying structure (202) during the early part of the expansion stroke creates a suction force of the compressible fluid medium into compression chamber (704). Disclosed is a method of introducing an occupying structure into a cylinder system, a mechanical cylinder and a mechanical engine system.
EFFECT: providing higher torque.
18 cl, 17 dwg