FIELD: measuring.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to stationary methods for determining thermophysical properties of extended solid bodies with high heat conductivity, as well as to devices for their implementation, and can be used in experimental solid-state physics, in materials science, heat engineering for thermal tests of homogeneous and isotropic heat-removing and heat-distributing structural elements and determination of such thermophysical properties of solids as heat capacity, heat conductivity and thermal conductivity. Proposed method is characterized by the fact that a sample of an elongated solid body is placed in a heat-insulating shell and clamped between coaxial to the sample and having a heat-insulating coating: a heater in the form of a cylindrical body, on the end side of which, opposite the heat-insulating shell, a heating element is mounted, and a refrigerator in the form of a cylindrical body, to the end side of which, opposite to the heat-insulating shell, a flat Peltier element is rigidly attached. Between the heater and the end of the heat-insulating shell, as well as between the opposite end of the heat-insulating shell and the refrigerator, there are corresponding thermal spacers. A stationary heat flow is created along the central axis of said sample. At several points located at a given distance from each other along the central axis of the sample and at least at two points along the central axis of each of the cylindrical bodies of the heater and refrigerator, measuring the temperature, which values are fed into a computing unit configured to input initial data, collect data based on measurement results, and control measurement modes. Based on the measured temperature values, the thermal conductivity coefficient of the sample is calculated based on the Fourier law, which is corrected downward, taking into account heat losses through the heat-insulating shell and the heat-insulating coating of the heater and refrigerator due to heat conductivity, thermal radiation and convective flows of the surrounding air medium by means of a correction factor, which is determined by numerical simulation. In addition, the heat capacity coefficient of the solid body is determined using a unit for measuring heat capacity of solid bodies and the density coefficient of the solid body is determined using a unit for measuring density of solid bodies and using the obtained values of the heat capacity and thermal conductivity coefficients of the solid body, the thermal diffusivity of the solid body is determined.
EFFECT: high accuracy of determining thermophysical properties of extended solid bodies with high heat conductivity, taking into account real heat losses through heat insulation, supply wires, structural elements and air, and shorter measurement time.
11 cl, 4 dwg