FIELD: veterinary science; virology; biotechnology.
SUBSTANCE: what is presented is the "Mira" strain of calicivirus infection of cats Caliciviridae family, Vesivirus genus, Feline calicivirus species, deposited in the collection of strains of microorganisms of the FGBI "ARRIAH" under registration number No. 458 – dep/23-33 – SCSM FGBI "ARRIAH". Presented strain is reproduced in a continuous culture of feline kidney cells (CRFK). In the transplantable cat kidney cell culture CRFK for 36 hours of incubation, the titre of infectious activity of the virus reaches values of 7.50±0.25 lg TCD50/cm3, preserving the initial characteristics when passaging in the cell culture for 5 passages.
EFFECT: presented strain can be used for preparing biopreparations for diagnosing and specific prevention of calicivirus infection in cats and for controlling antigenic activity of vaccines against this disease.
1 cl, 2 dwg, 2 tbl, 6 ex