FIELD: solution of problem of evaluation of dynamic state of elements of lathe. SUBSTANCE: procedure includes measurement of static gives, inherent frequencies and vibration decrements of key elements of dynamic system of lathe and determination of their transfer function in the form of vibration elements. Transfer function of equivalent elastic system is formed by obtained characteristics: Wo= Wxx•cosα•cosβ•sinϕ+Wzz sinα•cosϕ,, ,
, where Wxx, Wxx1, Wxx2 are transfer functions in cutting zone between cutting tool and billet stipulated by dynamic give of carriage and spindle groups in lateral direction along axis OX, Wzz is transfer function of carriage group in longitudinal direction along axis OZ, α is angle of cutting direction with plane OXY, β is angle of projection of force P on to plane OXY with axis OX, ϕ is main plan angle of cutting tool, k1, k2, k are corresponding static gives, T21, T22, T2 are constants of inertia, T11, T12, T1 are constants of damping, p is parameter of Laplace transform. Then maximum negative value of real component - -RemaxWo(ωo) is determined and adopted as parameter characterizing relative vibrations between cutting tool and billet, frequency ωo at which -RemaxWo(ωo) is found. Later real components ReWxx1(ωo) cosα•cosβ•sinϕ,, ReWxx2(ωo)cosα cosβ sinϕ,, ReWzz(ωo) sinα cosϕ are determined and used to find out predominating element which is cause of instability. EFFECT: reduced labor input, simplified diagnostics of closed dynamic system of lathe by characteristics of individual elements taken for open system. 6 dwg