FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves creating lymphonodulovenous anastomosis in cases of hypertension occurred in adducting lymphatic system of the lower extremities. The greater subcutaneous femoral vein is selected in the area of saphenofemoral anastomosis. The inguinal lymphatic node is cut in transverse direction. Lymphatic node gates are retained together with the adducting lymphatic vessels and a portion of capsule around the gates. The greater subcutaneous femoral vein wall is dissected. Lymphatic node capsule is introduced into the greater subcutaneous vein lumen. The vein walls are sutured to the lymphatic node capsule. The adducting lymphatic vessels patency is not disturbed. The operation wound is drained. Cutaneous wound mouth is sutured. EFFECT: prevented lymphoid cyst and lower extremity lymphostasis formation. 2 dwg