FIELD: transport engineering; windshield wipers. SUBSTANCE: proposed device has control element 40 set into action by driver. Control element can be shifted from inactive neutral position in which it is fixed in spring-loaded state and corresponding operative positions in which signals are supplied to cut in and cut out windshield wiper motor 10 and additional position in which water pump 60 it switched on. Device has change-over switch 20 to cut in electric motor 10, revolution [pickup 30, electronic processor unit 50 processing signals from control element 40 and revolution pickup 30 and providing switching on of electric motor 10 to execute one working stroke when driver supplies single cut-in signal and automatically cutting in electric motor 10 to execute repeated working cycles when driver, within time interval after supplying single cut-in signal, supplies another cut-in signal so that automatic switching on of motor 10 for executing following working cycle is carried out within like time interval between both preceding working cycles. EFFECT: simplified design of control element. 15 cl, 2 dwg