FIELD: study and analysis of samples taken from basins by radiation methods by way of measurement of ionizing radiation, X-, gamma, beta and corpuscular radiation included. SUBSTANCE: process of radiation monitoring of ecological systems, selection and preparation of samples of biological indicators of radioactive contamination of basins consists in measurement of radioactivity of taken samples of hydrobionts carrying U- 238, Ra-226, Th-232, Fe-59, Co-60, Sr-90, U-91, Cs-137, Ce-144 which are instruments of biological indication of presence of radio nuclides in basins. Integral accumulation of radio nuclides and its seasonal dynamics in basins are evaluated by biological indicators. Two samples are taken three time a year, in May, July and October, in points of entrance to basin, of exit from basin and in check basin located outside of radius of action of contamination source. Mass of analyzed hydrobionts is set within limits from 500.0 to 1000.0 gr. Up to one hour is spent to take one sample and up to 2 hours is needed to prepare single sample. EFFECT: obtainment of authentic samples of radioactive contamination of basins. 2 cl