FIELD: microbiology. SUBSTANCE: method is performed by growing microorganism culture to be analyzed in liquid nutrient medium. Cultural fluid is separated followed by its incubation with histones solution. Then two control samples are prepared, experimental and control samples are incubated, beef-extract broth and test-culture M. luteus GISK = 211001 are added to samples, incubated and optical density of suspensions in experimental and control samples are measured. Antihistone activity of analyzed microorganism is calculated by the following formula: x 12.834 mcg/ml where ODmeg/ml is optical density value of experimental sample; ODK1 is optical density value of control sample 1; ODK2 is optical density value of control sample 2. Proposed method allows to accelerate, simplify, enhance precision of quantitative evaluation of antihistone activity of microorganisms and enhanced sensitivity of method and therefore to determine antihistone activity in more broad numbers of microorganisms. Invention can be used for estimation of ability of microorganisms to inactivate bactericidal cationic proteins. EFFECT: improved assay method. 3 tbl, 1 dwg, 3 ex