FIELD: disinfecting agents. SUBSTANCE: method comprises formation of elementary iodine in iodine-containing solution, air- mediated desorption of elementary iodine to give iodine-air mixture, sorbent-mediated isolation of elementary iodine to obtain sorbent having acidity 400-500 mgeq/, isolation of iodine from sorbent, its drying to 85-90+ACU- moisture, melting at temperature not exceeding 170 C, forming iodine melt layer and immediately cooling it to temperature not exceeding 30 C to obtain, in cooled layer, desired crystalline product in the form of scales with thickness not exceeding 0.7 mm. Each crystal in resultant iodine-based preparation contains, wt +ACU-: iodine at least 99.5-99.8, halides no more than 0.008, sulfates no more than 0.04, and nonvolatile residue no more than 0.04. Preparation can find use in production of disinfecting agents employed, for example, in household area. EFFECT: simplified preparation procedure. 3 cl