) FIELD: agriculture. SUBSTANCE: method involves prolonged continuous cultivation of regenerating callus-like tissues; setting optimal transplantation interval for realizing procedure of producing predetermined number of regenerants by required time; to do that, determining maximal number of regenerants suitable for transfer to unsterile conditions at the rate of 1 cultivation day; determining number of portions of one callus-like tissue combined with proliferation and regeneration processes for transfer to fresh media and initial number of regenerants suitable for transfer to unsterile conditions; using mathematical dependence for determining number of regenerants at any cloning stage, said mathematical dependence being geometric progression: where a is number of regenerant plants suitable for transfer to unsterile conditions at the initial cloning stage; q is number of portions of one regenerating callus-like tissue, which are to be transplanted onto fresh media; determining number of transplantations from formula:
calculating number of regenerants adapted for participation in latest incomplete transplantation from formula:
is initial number of regenerant plants; Sn is designed number of regenerant plants at cloning stage n=p+1; Snn is total of regenerant plants at final complete cloning stage n=p+1, where p is whole number. For effectuating mass cloning of regenerants at any suitable time period, small number of callus-like tissues are kept in vitro for a long time. EFFECT: increased efficiency by setting sequence of technological operations for producing predetermined number of regenerant plants at any time period suitable for mass cloning thereof. 2 tbl, 1 ex