FIELD: medicine, manual medicine, vertebrology.
SUBSTANCE: the present innovation deals with detecting the borders in movements of hypermobile vertebra in vertebro-motor segment; hypermobile vertebra should be fixed with the third fingers of both hands in area of cross-sectional and spinous processes; over- and underlying adjacent vertebrae should be fixed in area of cross-sectional processes from both sides with forefingers and the fourth fingers, with the third fingers it is necessary to rotate hypermobile vertebra up to the borders of maximally possible movement followed by manipulation push towards rotation at fixed adjacent vertebrae with forefingers and the fourth fingers, vertebra should be returned into average physiological position; one should immobilize jugular-suprabrachial area by capturing up the fourth thoracic vertebro-motor segment, on stopping the immobilization it is necessary massage jugular-cervico-suprabrachial areas of stimulating character that prevents the return of instability due to the development of scar tissue of burso-ligamentous apparatus as the result of manipulation push.
EFFECT: higher efficiency of therapy.
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