FIELD: physics.
SUBSTANCE: device contains common gas filled frame embedded radiant flux to secondary electron flow converter, secondary electron collimator and multiplate position-sensitive ionisation chamber. Output signals of the chamber travel to system of processing and visualisation of energy flux density distribution in beam of high intensity and photon energy directional radiation, having N inputs. At that secondary electron collimator is connected between photon radiation converter and multiplate position-sensitive ionisation chamber (MPSIC). The specified chamber is designed as number of sections; each section consists of common cathode and anode. Thus anode is stripped, and each strip is directed to photon incident beam, and output signals of strips are read out with control and reading circuit, having N inputs for processing and visualisation of energy flux density distribution in beam of high intensity and high photon energy directional radiation. The device is also characterised by the fact that anode strip width is not more than 1 mm, set of strips and cathodes of all sections within multiplate position-sensitive ionisation chamber shape two-dimensional array consisting of horizontal lines and vertical columns. Each array component is used to transfer position of analysed radiation field.
EFFECT: measurement of spatial distribution of energy flux density and patient organ localisation due to irregular photon absorptive ability of organs.
2 cl, 6 dwg