FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: vaccine strain A/17/California/2009/38 (H1N1) - reassortant, obtained by crossing new pandemic virus A/17/California/2009 (H1N1) with cold-adapted temperature-sensitive virus A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (H2N2) -donor of attenuation, harmless for people. Strain A/17/California/2009/38 (H1N1) actively multiplies in developing chicken embryos at optimal temperature 32-33°C, is characterised by temperature sensitivity and cold adaptation. Reassortant inherited genes, coding superficial antigens of virus hemagglutinine (HG) and neuraminidase (NA), from potentially pandemic virus and the remaining six genes, coding internal unglycolised proteins from donor of attenuation.
EFFECT: invention can be used in practical health care for prevention of cases of pandemic influenza among adults and children by means of live influenza intranasal vaccine from influenza virus strain.
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