FIELD: gaseous flow desulphuration.
SUBSTANCE: alleged invention relates to the method of desulphuration of the gaseous flow containing SO2; the basic water flow containing negative ions selected from the group including carbonate, bicarbonate, hydroxide, sulfite and bisulphate is infed; the basic gaseous flow containing SO2 is infed; the basic water and gaseous flows are brought into interaction resulting in attainment of desulphurate gaseous products including less than 40% of the basic flow containing SO2, and the water product; the interaction is performed in the hydrocyclone unit; the hydrocyclone unit has the housing formed with a cylindrical external sidewall and furnished with at least one inlet aperture for the induct of the fluid medium and at least one whirling installment; the speed of passing of the gaseous flow inside of the hydrocyclone unit counts to 20 - 120 m/sec.
EFFECT: enhancement of hydrocyclone unit operation efficiency.
34 cl, 2 dwg, 1 tbl