FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to dentistry and is intended for vestibular access in operation of maxillary sinus bottom lifting. Arch-like cut is made in the region of missing teeth from vestibular side and furrow-like in the region of adjacent to defect teeth. Near the front tooth cut is continued to mucogingival fold, with preservation of gingival papilla. Mucous-periosteal flap is separated and turned away to zogomaticoalveolar crest. Boundaries of osteotomy are determined. Lower boundary of bone window is placed at distance 5-6 mm from supposed level of sinus bottom. Bone window is formed to internal cortical layer. Cortical plate is trepanised. Osteotomic window is formed on the front wall of maxillary sinus without breaking the integrity of sinus mucosa. Maxillary sinus mucosa is detached. To ensure hemostasis and to prevent injury of maxillary sinus mucosa fibrin-enriched platelet plasma is introduced into submembrane space. Bed, which implant is installed into, is formed. Cavity is filled with osteoplastic material. Osteotomic window is closed with absorbable membrane. Flap is mobilised, laid on the place and sutured.
EFFECT: method makes it possible to improve operation field visualisation, facilitates fulfillment of surgical manipulations and post-operative wound monitoring due to making arch-like cut in the region of missing teeth from vestibular side and furrow-like cut in the region of adjacent to defect teeth.
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