FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely neonatology. Substance of the method: mother's obstetric-somatic history is analysed for the presence of decompensated chronic fetoplacental deficiency (CFPD), degree III disturbed uterine-placental perfusion (DUPP) during the current pregnancy, the presence or the absence of a mother's endocrine pathology, as well as levels of lactate and oxygen tension at 50% blood saturation in an infant with VLBW of the first month of life. It is followed by calculating a diagnostic index DI by formula: D=0.14×K1+1.24×K2+2.08×K3+1.29×K4-0.35×K5+4.02 wherein K1 is the presence of mother's decompensated CFPD during the current pregnancy; if any, then K1=1, if no, then K1=0; K2 is the presence of mother's degree III DUPP during the current pregnancy; if any, then K2=1, if no, then K2=0; K3 is the presence of the mother's endocrine pathology; if any, then K3=1, if no, then K3=0; K4 is the blood lactate level of the first month of life /mmole/l/; K5 - p50 is oxygen tension at 50% blood saturation in the infant of the first month of life /mm Hg/; Const - 4.02. And deriving the value D>0 enables prediction growth deficiency in the infant in the postconceptual age of 38-40 weeks, the value D≤0 shows the absence of forming growth deficiency.
EFFECT: with unfavourable prognosis, the method enables necessary studies, well-timed endocrinologist advice and prescribed adequate therapy for correction of the health of the given patient.
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