FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: anti-cytomegalovirus antibody titre, microviscosity of erythrocyte membranes are measured in the peripheral blood by eximerisation of a lipid bilayer and a protein-lipid layer; the number of degenerative forms of erythrocytes, target-like erythrocytes and echinocytes, oxyhaemoglobin content are also measured. If the cytomegalovirus antibody titre is 1:1600, decreased eximerisation of the lipid bilayer to 0.59±0.006 FE/FM, of the protein-lipid layer to 0.70±0.004 FE/FM, increased number of the degenerative forms of erythrocytes to 10.5±0.3%, of the echinocytes to 8.0±0.5%, of the target-like erythrocytes to 11.5±0.9%, reduced oxyhaemoglobin to 89.8±1.5%, the risk of hypoxia is stated.
EFFECT: more accurate assessment.