FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: method involves conducting a histochemical reaction on single-layer peripheral blood films by exposing successively to solutions consisting of 5% silver nitrate, washing in 5% sodium thiosulphate and distilled water followed by finish dyeing 1% safranin in 96% ethanol, differentiating in 96% ethanol, de-watering in ascending alcohols, clearing in acid and embalming. The calcium content is studied in single erythrocytes by computed cytophotometry and stated. If cytomegaloviral infection appears to aggravate to an antibody titre of 1:1600 alongside with a decrease in calcium in erythrocyte membranes to 12.80±0.40 standard units as compared to a reference of 34.00±0.07 standard units, an increase in degenerative erythrocytes to 12.0±0.95% and a decrease in the oxyhaemoglobin content to 92.3±1.5%, a risk of hypoxia of a pregnant woman's body is stated.
EFFECT: higher accuracy of risk identification.
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