FIELD: measurement equipment.
SUBSTANCE: method of manufacturing of heat resistant nano and microelectromechanical system of high temperature transmitter of mechanical values consists in that on the planar surface of the resilient element by the vacuum spraying the heterogeneous structure of the nano- and microfilms of materials is made, it contains thin film dielectric, piezoresistive and contact layers, the strain gauges. The tensoelements - tensoresistors, contact conductors and their contact pads are formed. The tensoresistive layer is formed by magnetron spraying in the vacuum chamber with simultaneous use of two targets out of nickel and titanium. The resilient element with formed on it dielectric layer is installed on rotary table, heated, argon pressure is created, then rotary table is rotated with resilient element, at that definite current densities are set in zones of the first and second targets spraying. Then the resilient element with the applied tensoresistive layer is held in vacuum at elevated temperature.
EFFECT: invention ensures the expansion of the work temperature range of the transmitter based on thin film nano- and microelectromechanical system, improves repeatability of such parameters of the strain gauges as electric resistance and temperature resistance coefficient, reduction of the transmitters temperature sensitivity.
6 dwg, 1 tbl