FIELD: biotechnology.
SUBSTANCE: what is presented is a vaccine against canine distemper, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis, adenovirus infection and canine rabies. Vaccine contains an active substance and a target additive. As an active substance, the vaccine contains a mixture of attenuated purified antigen material from the "Rockborne" strain of the carnivore distemper virus, Morbillivirus canis species, from inactivated and purified antigenic material from strain "Gray" of canine parvovirus enteritis virus, type Carnivore protoparvovirus 1, from inactivated and purified antigen material from strain "Reach" of virus of coronavirus enteritis of dogs, type Alphacoronavirus 1, from inactivated and purified antigenic material from "Unity" strain of adenoviral infection virus 2 of serotype of dogs, type of Canine mastadenovirus A, serotype 2, from inactivated and purified antigenic material from the strain "VNIIZZH" of rabies virus, type Lyssavirus rabies, as target additives: 3% aluminium hydroxide gel and stabilizer; taken in an effective ratio and in amounts providing protective immune activity of each antigen in the body of dogs after administration of the target preparation.
EFFECT: invention enables to create a safe and highly immunogenic vaccine against the main infectious diseases of dogs, containing antigenically and immunogenic balanced viral antigens, providing formation of stable immunity in relation to carnivore distemper virus (CDV), adenovirus (CAV-2) infectious laryngotracheitis, parvovirus (CPV-2) and coronavirus enteritis of dogs (CCoV), and rabies (RabV).
9 cl, 5 dwg, 7 tbl, 8 ex