FIELD: medicine; oncogynecology.
SUBSTANCE: tumor is removed, wound defect is closed with fasciocutaneous flap. After performing a vulvectomy with a wound defect located mainly in the clitoris and urethra, a horseshoe-shaped fasciocutaneous pubic flap is cut out, with a scalpel dissecting the skin with subcutaneous fat to the fascia of the pubic symphysis or the transverse fascia of the rectus muscle, followed by hemostasis with an electric knife, the flap is displaced towards the perineal defect. Lateral vaults of vaginal vestibule are formed from fascial petals and sutured between skin and vaginal mucosa, vaginal mucosa is sutured with skin wound edges and displaced fasciocutaneous flap.
EFFECT: method enables to reduce the number of complications associated with the infection of the postoperative wound area, minimize healing by secondary intention and scarring of tissues, as well as reduce length of hospital stay.
1 cl, 10 dwg, 1 ex