FIELD: nuclear radiation metrology; dosimetry; radiometry. SUBSTANCE: pyroelectric detector has sensitive element in form of capacitor, which is filled with polarized pyroelectric material. Polarization vector of pyroelectric is perpendicular to capacitor plates. Errors of measurement of flow density and fluency is achieved due to special shape of sensitive element, which has to be a part of the body, which part is formed by rotation of flat figure about motionless axis belonging to the plane of the figure, which axis does not cross circuit of the figure. Part of the body is got due to cutting body by a plane, which is parallel to plane of rotation. Two areas, which have to be electrodes, are formed in cross-section achieved by plane. Polarization vector at any point of pyroelectric is perpendicular to cross-section, which is formed by plane passing through the point and axis of the detector. EFFECT: reduced error of measurement. 1 dwg