FIELD: electric engineering, electronics.
SUBSTANCE: device contains accumulating capacitor with two armatures, separated by polarized piroelectric, while pyroelectric is positioned in such a way, that strength vector of electrostatic field between armatures and vector of spontaneous or remaining polarization of piroelectric compose angle α, while -90° < α < 90°, and capacitor dimensions are selected from relation where S - capacitor armature area, Kv - proportionality coefficient between radiation-induced electric conductivity and power of radiation dose, Vo - voltage on capacitor before irradiation, δΔ - dose sensitivity of piroelectric, Γ - geometric factor, equal to: Γ=d/S for flat capacitor, where d - distance between armatures;
for cylindrical capacitor, where a and b - radiuses of armatures, l - length of capacitor;
for spherical capacitor, where a and b - radiuses of armatures.
EFFECT: increased radiation resistance of capacitive accumulator.
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