FIELD: metal cutting machines. SUBSTANCE: gear includes monitoring system, compensation system and converter. Monitoring system incorporates pair of translation transmitters placed at angle of 90 deg one relative another and interacting with body of spindle stock. Compensation system includes pair of translation transmitters and two thermojunctions. Mentioned transmitters are positioned at angle of 90 deg one with reference to another and interact with body of tailstock. Thermojunctions are attached to body of tailstock. Gear for compensation registers thermal drift of axis of spindle and sends information into converter. Converter compares signals and if they are mismatched it generates signal to feed current to thermojunctions till both systems are balanced. In this case axis of spindle will match axis of center of tailstock. Specified arrangement of transmitters in monitoring and compensation systems provides for spatial compensation of thermal drift of axis of spindle which results in enhanced precision of machining. EFFECT: usage in metal cutting machines of enhanced precision. 2 dwg