FIELD: microbiology, biotechnology. SUBSTANCE: vaccine is introduced, in equal portions by volume, with dead pasteurella of standardized fist-generation microbial cell both in capsular and capsule-free variants after isolation out of poultry body. For this purpose, a susceptible organism should be infected orally with a control-industrial pasteurella strain obtained by the method of pasteurella virulence increase, and at the moment of lethality one should wash maternal capsule- free bacteria in heated buffered physiological solution of sodium chloride (pH 7.0; 35-40 C), immediately after cooling off and postmortem rigidity at environmental temperature being 15-25 C (optimum 20 C) (in 3-4 h after death depending upon body weight of affected poultry) - maternal capsular bacteria which are separately inoculated, correspondingly, upon Hottinger's broth heated up to 37-38 C (pH 7.2-7.4) to be cultivated upon nutritive medium identical both by quality and temperature. At 9-10-h age of every pasteurella culture one should pour off, correspondingly, per a half of their volume into sterile vials and cool gradually for 2-3 h at environmental temperature being 15-25 C (optimum 20 C) till complete encapsulation of microbial cells at the state of rest. Then it is necessary to simultaneously introduce formalin at final concentration being 0.3% into cooled halves of encapsulated cultures and continuously cultivated halves of capsule-free pasteurella cultures. Concentrated biomass of capsular and capsule-free pasteurella, correspondingly, should be combined at equal portions by volume to prepare working suspension of vaccine antigen in buffered physiological solution of sodium chloride at 0.3%-formalin concentration at 30 bln mc/ml. Working antigenic suspension should be mixed with known oily adjuvant at equal ratio by volume to be used as the vaccine. The latter is safe being immunogenic and economically harmless. EFFECT: higher efficiency of prophylaxis. 2 cl, 7 ex, 4 tbl