FIELD: medicine, particularly, traumatology and orthopedics; designed for surgical treatment, mainly, of fractures of femur neck. SUBSTANCE: wire locking device has central rod with threaded part and wires with heads installed in washer with central threaded channel for central rod and with holes for wires uniformly located round central channel at angle to longitudinal axis. Each wire has head. Central rod has head with supporting projection whose diameter exceeds diameter of central channel in washer. Central rod head has antimigration projection whose diameter exceeds diameter of supporting projection but does not exceed washer diameter. Length of each wire, from its base to free end equals height of supporting projection. Diameter of supporting projection is less than difference of distance between diametrically opposite washer holes for wires and size of head diameter of wire which is made with external thinned edge larger than its base. EFFECT: reduced postoperative complications due to excluded traditional incision and reduced injuries of organism soft tissues. 2 cl, 10 dwg, 1 ex