FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: technique involves whipworm egg sampling on a slide, clearing in the mixture of 98.5% glycerol of density 1.256 and 40% lactic acid taken in proportions 1:1 then the eggs are covered with a cover slip and examined under the microscope at magnifications 600, 1200 and 900 under immersion. The microstructural differences of eggs are determined, and whipworms are differentiated by the following signs: Trichocephalus trichiurus have high, thin-neck and wide-cap plugs on sharp-pointed egg poles; the 1-st external transparent cover encloses the whole egg and is visible close to the poles in the form of a transparent disk, or on the plug caps; the plug necks are helically-formed and has 4 rings; the 3-rd ring counting from an apical ring is dome-shaped thereby differing from the previous 2 rings; the 4-th ring can be transparent, or keratised: function as a linker between a base of the plug neck and the 4-th embryo shell; there are spines visible on the 2-nd keratised shell; the egg poles comprise: platelike spines of various configurations; Trichocephalus suis has short-neck and cap plugs not projecting from an egg surface; on the egg poles, the 1-st transparent shell is visible in the form of a fountain of transparent microstructures extending from the eggs; the helically-formed plug neck with 4 rings; the 4-th ring is dome-shaped and fastens the base of the plug neck to an internal embryo shell; it has: spines on the 2-nd shell, platelike spines and a stylette on the plugs.
EFFECT: technique provides the life-time differentiation of whipworms to types: Trichocephalus trichiums and Trichocephalus suis zoonosis by egg microstructure.
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