FIELD: sports.
SUBSTANCE: training area is formed on the playing field, as well as light areas - conventional rivals, which are moved on the training area at the predetermined maximum speed. And movement of the areas is not related to the actions of the athletes on the playing field and predictable for them, because they have a given diameter, are moved in a limited space and moved in straight lines, changing their direction of motion only after the collision with the border of the training area or other areas. With increasing speed of the areas, increasing their number and diameter a limit of space and time occurs for decision-making and the implementation of technical and tactical actions. If the athlete or sports equipment does not enter the forbidden area or border of the training area, the area and/or the speed of movement of the forbidden area is increased till the athlete is not able to perform correctly the given exercise.
EFFECT: technical and tactical and physical readiness of an athlete, his ability to see the playing field, to anticipate change in the game situation and to implement effectively his skills is determined according to for maximum speed or area of forbidden areas, the speed of movement of an athlete on the training area and the time during which he does not make mistakes.