FIELD: sport.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to methods of training technical and tactical actions of athletes in gaming sports. Coach or an athlete chooses a program that sets the game-training mode on a field with a light-dynamic backlight. Light zones allocated with light are forbidden to find an athlete and / or a sports projectile, imitate the opposition of rival players and, moving, interfere with the movement of the athlete. Athlete evaluates the simulated game situation, commensurates his technical and speed capabilities with the dynamics of the movement of forbidden zones (FZ) and makes a stroke of prohibited light zones. In this case, a balanced mode of physical and intellectual load is set where a predetermined number of forbidden light-dynamic zones of a given diameter moves on the playing field, and their movements are predictable for the athlete. Predictability of the change in the game situation is determined by the peculiarity of the operation of the hardware and software complex, that moves the light zones by straight lines until they collide with the boundaries of the training area and / or with each other, while the program of the complex moves the zones as an imitation of impact interactions of elastic bodies of equal mass in accordance with the existing laws of mechanics. Depending on the preparedness of the athlete and the training tasks, the diameter, number and speed of FZ are specified. Athlete's task is to perform a bypass of the zones when moving till the set part of the training schedule of the training area. Specific in training is that the speed of FZ is set and changed during training by the athlete himself in manual mode using a convenient interface of the software and hardware complex. In this case, the software and hardware complex captures the movements of the athlete and, when forming the database, calculates the arithmetic mean values of the speed of the athlete and FZ in the specified period of training. Athlete task is at maximum speed with or without shell and the maximum speed of FZ – perform movements to the areas of the training area prescribed by the training schedule and / or stay out of errors: an attack on FZ or on the border of the training area. According to the athlete arithmetic mean speeds and FZ, in which the athlete does not make mistakes, judge the level of his preparedness.
EFFECT: technical result of the invention is to increase the effectiveness of training in game sports.
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