FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, particularly to oncology. Disclosed is a method for determining indications for lymphodissection in vulvar cancer using colloidal radiopharmaceuticals (RP), characterized by the fact that a radio-pharmaceutical preparation Tc-99m is introduced along the perimeter of the tumour, followed by scintigraphic examination of inguinal regions 30 minutes later, in the absence of an image, scanning is repeated 60, 90, 120 minutes, then a vulvectomy is performed, then skin is split in the inguinal regions at 1–3 mm and a scinography is performed to detect a signalling lymph node, followed by a biopsy of the detected signalling lymph node, if observing the metastases in the signal lymph node, the indications are given for inguinal-femoral lymph node dissection, the wound is closed in the absence of metastases.
EFFECT: invention provides higher reliability of indications for lymph node dissection.
1 cl, 3 dwg, 2 ex