FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medical ecology, and can be used for quantitative assessment of additional risk of health disorders in children of 4–7 years old, caused by aerogenic combined effect of chemicals: aluminum oxide, benz(a)pyrene and hydrofluoride, with their simultaneous intake into the body, compared to the isolated action of each substance. Observation area with constant presence of chemicals in atmospheric air is selected: aluminum oxide, benz(a)pyrene and hydrofluoride, and/or with their increased, compared to maximum permissible concentration in atmospheric air, and a comparison area characterized by the absence of hygienic standards for the content of said chemicals in the atmospheric air. Groups of children aged 4–7 years are sampled on the territory of observation and on the territory of comparison. Urine and blood samples are taken from the children from the observation and comparison groups, and the concentration of aluminum and fluoride ion in urine and benzpyrene in blood is determined. If observing the concentration of biomarkers of exposure: the content of aluminum in the urine of child is 0.010–0.012 mg/dm3 and fluoride ion 0.55–0.83 mg/dm3, and benz(a)pyrene in the child’s blood (0.006–0.008)⋅10−3 mg/dm3, forming a list of laboratory parameters, which are etiopathogenetically related to the most probable negative effects—health disorders in children on the part of critical organs and systems arising in response to exposure to chemicals: aluminum oxide—nervous system and respiratory organs, benz(a)pyrene—immune system, hydrofluoride—bone system and respiratory organs. Biomarkers of negative effects are determined in children from the observation group: on the part of the immune system—total immunoglobulin G (IgG) level, g/dm3; immunoglobulin G specific (IgGspec.) to benz(a)pyrene, standard units, phagocytic number, standard units, and phagocytic index in blood, standard units in blood; on the part of the bone system—an indicator of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase in blood serum, units/dm3; on the part of the nervous system—the level of neuron-specific enolase in blood serum, mcg/dm3; on the part of respiratory organs—content of total immunoglobulin E (IgE), IU/cm3, and level of malondialdehyde (MDA), mcmol/cm3, in blood plasma. If the child has one or more systems of quantitative values of biomarkers of negative effects: from the immune system: total IgG level 12.98–15.30 g/dm3, IgGspec. to benz(a)pyrene 0.11–0.214 standard units, phagocytic number 0.83–0.95 standard units and phagocytic index 1.70–1.81 standard units; bone system—content of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 2.53–3.09 units/dm3; nervous system—level of neuron-specific enolase 4.09–5.59 mcg/dm3; respiratory organs—total IgE level 58.99–196.63 IU/cm3 and MDA 2.37–2.61 mcmol/cm3; determining the probability p of the identified biomarker of negative effects by formula: , where p is the probability of the biomarker of the negative effect from the physiological norm with simultaneous development of the effects of the isolated and combined action of aluminum oxide, benz(a)pyrene and hydrofluoride, with their binary combination; x1, x2, x3—concentration of aluminum in child’s urine, fluoride ion in child’s urine and benz(a)pyrene in child’s blood, respectively, during exposure to aluminum oxide, benz(a)pyrene and hydrofluoride, mg/dm3; b0 is the regression coefficient given in table 5 of the description, which characterizes the level of probability of deviation of the biomarker of the negative effect from the physiological norm, regardless of the effect of the studied exposure markers—the background level; b1, b2, b3, b12, b13, b23—regression coefficients given in table 5 of the description, characterizing the rate of increase of the probability of the biomarker deviation of the negative effect from the physiological norm with the isolated action of aluminum oxide, benz(a)pyrene and hydrofluoride, as well as during their combined action in a binary mixture. Method includes determining the probability p1 of the identified biomarker of negative effects by formula: p1 =
, where p1 is the probability of deviation of the biomarker of the negative effect from the physiological norm with simultaneous development of the effects of aluminum oxide, benz(a)pyrene and hydrofluoride with their isolated action. Additional probability Δp of the identified biomarker of negative effects is determined by formula: Δp = p−p1, where Δp is additional probability of biomarker deviation of negative effect as a result of effects of combined action of aluminum oxide, benz(a)pyrene and hydrofluoride. Risk ΔR of the negative effect biomarker, which is additional to the isolated action of aluminum oxide, benz(a)pyrene and hydrofluoride, is quantitatively determined by formula: ΔR = Δp · g, where ΔR is an additional risk of the combined action of aluminum oxide, benz(a)pyrene and hydrofluoride by deviation of the biomarker of the negative effect; Δp is the additional probability of the biomarker deviation of the negative effect caused by the aerogenic combined effect of aluminum oxide, benz(a)pyrene and hydrofluoride, with their simultaneous intake into the body; g is a severity index equal to 0.002. Obtained value of ΔR is compared with a criterion of acceptability of risk equal to or less than 1⋅10−5. If ΔR exceeds the risk acceptability criterion, the child’s health risk is inferred from the negative effect.
EFFECT: method provides an informative quantitative assessment of the risk of health disorders in children of 4–7 years old under the influence of aluminum oxide, benz(a)pyrene and hydrofluoride, by analyzing the parameterized cause-and-effect relationships of exposure of the affecting substances and negative effects.
2 cl, 10 tbl, 2 ex