FIELD: semiconductor technology. SUBSTANCE: method of graduation of resonance pickup of parameters of epitaxial layer of single-layer semiconductor structure with isotypical conductive substrate consists in arrangement of double-layer samples having one conductive layer and one high-resistance layer certified by product of specific electric resistance ρ by thickness d, in laying of samples with high-resistance layer on to measurement hole of resonance pickup and in measurement of dependence of output signal of resonance pickup on product ρ. In the capacity of conductive layer there is used isotypical substrate employed for manufacture of measured epitaxial structure, joined by thermal compression with high-resistance layer which parameters ρ and d are chosen at ρ•d>2600 Оhm•см•μ identical to parameters of measured epitaxial layers and do not exceed correspondingly 65 Ohm/cm and 150 μ and which lie within limits 60≤d≤150μ; ρ•d≤2600 Оhm•см•μ at 0,42 ≤ρ≤17,3 Оhm•см. EFFECT: increased accuracy of measurement of parameters of epitaxial layers on isotypical conductive substrates, enhanced percentage of good articles manufactured in accord with this technology and their higher mechanical strength. 1 dwg, 1 tbl